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A team is building block of company. This short code of PixFill theme allows you to add your team on the page. Unlimited team members can be added on page which shows in the form of list or slide. Image of the team member, name, description/ designation can be added.
[team-sec] [team style="team-v1" name="JOHN DOE" job="CEO" image=""] [content]Team content 1[/content] [social_links] [social link="#" target="_blank" icon="fa-facebook" tabs="tabs"] [social link="#" target="_blank" icon="fa-twitter" tabs="tabs"] [/social_links] [/team] [team style="team-v2" name="JOHN DOE" job="CEO" image=""] [content]Team content 2[/content] [social_links] [social link="#" target="_blank" icon="fa-facebook" tabs="tabs"] [social link="#" target="_blank" icon="fa-twitter" tabs="tabs"] [/social_links] [/team] [/team-sec]